Sunday, March 24, 2013

Slice of Life and Comments

One of the things I've enjoyed most about this challenge has been the conversations it has generated. I've talked more about writing with my friend Melissa, took on the challenge, but isn't linking on Two Writing Teachers. Overall, I have interacted with more people than I have in a long time. 

One of my goals, aside from writing each day, has been to make sure that no one drops in and doesn't get an answering comments. Some days, that hasn't happened. But Blogger's "Comments" page in the dashboard has really helped me make sure each comment gets a reply. It feels good to let people know I'm grateful to them for stopping by and sharing a little bit of my writing, and I hope my appreciation for their time comes through.

I've also participated in one of the commenting challenges this month. My 30 comments didn't come close to enough to win a prize. Still, I read more blogs than usual and got more ideas. Some of those ideas include making a list like this:

Posts I could try:
There were a number of other posts that made me smile or think. In fact, there are too many to list.

Thanks to Ruth and Stacey for running the challenge. And thanks to Cindy, Katherine, Lee Ann, and Michelle for reminding me it would happen this year.

I can't believe it's already the 24th day...


  1. YAY! Write a review for Nerdy! I struggle with book reviews. It ends up being more my reaction to a book and less what the book was about. I say go for it! :)

    1. That's my issue, too. I get a bit daunted by the length of most of the Nerdy posts as well. I'm still playing with ideas, but I'll get there eventually.

  2. The writing and reading have made me think differently, too. So many new ideas and inspirations.

    1. I agree! Not all of them fit well, but I keep trying them on. I probably have more to write than I can keep track of, but that's a good "problem" to have!

      Thanks for dropping by to share!

  3. Slicing is an amazing experience, isn't it? I hope you continue to join us on Tuesdays throughout the year when the challenge is over. I feel closer to some slicers than people I see every day at school! (Maybe you can try out Spanish Friday too! Some people write quite short posts, and there are people with varying levels of proficiency some Fridays. I'm glad I sparked an idea for you!) I admire you for replying to each comment -- that's something I'm just not great at doing. Your list of writing ideas is fun. I keep a list in Evernote, but I hadn't thought of posting about it!

    1. I hadn't thought of keeping a list in Evernote, too! That's much more accessible when I'm on the go. I just love Evernote.

      I do like the idea of Spanish Fridays. I wonder how much my vocabulary would improve. I admit there are tenses I just don't use because I haven't practiced.

      Thanks for the inspiration and for coming by!

  4. You have given me ideas as well by reading your blog! So glad you took up the challenge this year!

    1. Me, too, Janna. I haven't made all of the days, but it's been on my mind.

      Thanks for stopping in to say hello.

  5. I have enjoyed the writing, reading, and commenting through this challenge. I've been so inspired to try new things. Definitely try a Nerdy book review. I've done a couple of posts. After being extremely nervous (there are some really smart people reading those posts), I've been overwhelmed with the positive and encouraging comments. I started calling my book reviews book responses. It takes the pressure off and lets me have more fun with them.

    1. Kay, the number of smart people who are Nerdies...I'm constantly amazed. I really need to go back through and search out reviews as models there. But it is encouraging to hear how positive the experience has been for you.

      I WILL get something ready for Cindy and Colby...

      Thank you for stopping by here, too. :)

  6. Great list of ideas. I, too, have really enjoyed writing so much and will look forward to participating again next year. I am impressed with the variety of writing styles and topics and really have enjoyed the commenting. Thanks go to you for visiting my blog and commenting.

    1. The variety has truly amazed me. There's at least one person who has written so much poetry! Many of us write about our teaching and as many write little snippets of their days. It really is a daily slice of life!

      I'm glad I stumbled on you in my commenting. It's been so much fun to see teachers encouraging their students to blog!

  7. Awesome! I am so glad you are enjoying yourself. You make a good point about comments. I see comments as conversation and my goal is to continue the conversation and show that I'm listening (and valuing like you said). Since I've been one-handed, I haven't kept up as I'd like to. I'm also grateful for your list. I've been thinking of the Good News Bad News post for days and was kicking myself that I hadn't book marked it!

    1. I see the comments the same way, Lee Ann.

      I'm starting to think I should keep a running draft with links to the cool posts I encounter...I don't need to publish it, but it would be there to mine!

      Thanks for stopping by for the one-handed comment and for sparking a new idea for me.

  8. I love the links you often include in your writing. This time it's especially interesting the way you have connected to other's slices. Thanks for sharing some good ideas for future slices, too.

    1. I'm glad you found this list useful. I'm becoming more and more enamored of linking to other ideas in my blogs. I know it may lead people down the rabbit hole for a while, but it helps me to keep track of where my mind has been, too.

      I always value your comments!
